MAE delivers third battery EV test stand

(Courtesy of MAE)
Mustang Advanced Engineering (MAE), a US manufacturer of testing equipment, dynamometers and related products, has announced the delivery of the third of three functional test stands for a major OEM of battery EVs.
The OEM contacted MAE to design and build three different pieces of testing equipment – an end-of-line chassis dynamometer capable of testing EVs, an electric motor test stand for pre-production development activities, and an end-of-line electric motor test stand to be integrated into the automated production line.
The system MAE delivered is a production electric motor test stand equipped with its TestCell software package, which has been tailored to meet the customer’s specific testing requirements.
The test stand is used to confirm that a test motor is fundamentally sound – that is, no open-circuit or short-circuit – then to spin the motor to confirm that the generated three-phase power is 120º out of phase and to check voltages at various rpm settings. The test stand also monitors the motor’s integral thermistor and speed sensor.