DuPont’s resin helps extend the life of liquid cooling systems

DuPont AmberLite EV2X resin helps extend the life of an EV’s glycol coolant, coolant loop components and ion exchange filter.
It reduces glycol maintenance requirements by offering enhanced thermal stability and excellent operating characteristics, compared with standard ion exchange resins on the market.
Consumer demand for greater range, faster charging, larger vehicles and more energy-dense batteries is increasing temperatures within EVs, creating new challenges for vehicle manufacturers. Many are turning from air cooling to liquid systems that use glycol coolant to manage high temperatures.
EVs have to manage conductivity within their systems. Degradation of the glycol coolant and other components housed within the thermal management system releases impurities into the cooling loop, increasing the levels of conductivity.
To prevent this, hydrogen fuel-cell and battery vehicle manufacturers can install an ion exchange filter comprised of ion exchange resins, which is able to withstand the extreme temperatures and operating conditions of the system.
DuPont AmberLite EV2X resin has been tested and validated under extreme conditions up to 105C for over 1000 hours, demonstrating exceptional thermal stability and operating characteristics compared with standard ion exchange resins.
“Glycol coolants are typically more efficient and demonstrate more flexible and consistent performance versus other thermal management systems,” says Noel Carr, marketing manager in support of e-mobility solutions at DuPont.
“However, high operating temperatures can lead to degradation of parts, components and coolants, resulting in short circuits and shutdowns of electric and hydrogen vehicles.”
“With minimal loss in operational consistency after hundreds of hours at high temperatures, DuPont’s new solution can give suppliers and manufacturers greater confidence in the performance and longevity of coolant loops specified for fuel-cell and lithium-battery EVs.”